Benefits Outreach and Assistance

LiveOn NY’s Benefits Outreach and Assistance program works to ensure older New Yorkers can make ends meet through easy access to public benefits in New York City. 

We accomplish this in three ways: 

  1. Working with older New Yorkers, their families and caregivers to assist in every step of the application and renewal processes.

  2. Partnering with organizations and elected officials’ offices to offer in-person and virtual outreach events, and act as a referral source for clients and constituents in need of assistance.

  3. Training and education on the many benefits programs available to older adults with a focus on eligibility criteria, application process and an emphasis on reducing the barriers that prevent older adults from accessing benefits.

To connect with our Benefits Outreach team:

LiveOn NY Specializes in the Following Benefits:

Plus: Check Out Our Tutorial on the
New Simplified SNAP Application

Upcoming Benefits Outreach Events

Previous Benefits Outreach Events


Please contact Kim Lerner, Director of Benefits Outreach Program, at