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Boots on the Ground Workgroup Meeting: Improving Older Adults' Social Engagement via Community Organizations

Boots on the Ground Workgroup Meeting

LiveOn NY’s Boots on the Ground Workgroup is a monthly, solution-focused space for direct aging service professionals and other programs and services to share resources, information, innovative ideas, and network with other professionals in an effort to collectively continue serving older New Yorkers. Learn more here.

Date: Friday, October 29th, 2021

Time: 11:00am-12:00pm

Self-Care Exercise: Guided Art Meditation - Join Arts & Minds Executive Director Carolyn Halpin-Healy for art-centered meditation to calm the mind and experience beauty | Arts & Minds

Table Talk: Reframing Aging Action Corner with LiveOn NY. Hear from our team about the Reframing Aging Initiative — a new initiative to shift the way New Yorkers understand aging and older people — and how you might get involved.

Topic Presentation: Improving Older Adults' Social Engagement via Community Organizations



Nima Roohi Sefidmazon, CEO & Co-Founder, Blooming Health

Description: Improving the social health of older adults has become an important topic in the past year. Given the breadth of supportive services and programs offered by community organizations, they are best positioned to improve older adults' social engagement. This presentation will cover communication tools and techniques for better connecting older adults with community organizations so we can help improve their social engagement. We will be sharing a case study with Union Settlement on Blooming Health's remote engagement solution. In addition, we will also share complimentary solutions that can be used alongside technology-based approaches.

To learn more about Blooming Health !