The final city budget was passed on June 6, 2017. LiveOn NY is thrilled to announce that the Administration/Mayor included a remarkable influx of $22.9 million of baselined funding allocated for the Department for the Aging (DFTA) programs. This is an historic addition of funding and is the most successful increase in 15 years.
FY18 City Budget Update: $22.8 Million in Baselined Funding for Senior Services in the Year of the Senior!!!
After spending the entire day at City Hall Friday to continue to advocate for senior services funding, LiveOn NY was on hand into the night to witness the “budget handshake” between Mayor de Blasio and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, signaling an agreement
LiveOn NY Recognizes World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - June 15, 2017
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) was launched by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization at the United Nations. The purpose of WEAAD is to provide an opportunity for communities around the world to promote a better understanding of abuse and neglect
LiveOn NY Releases Statement on Mayor de Blasio's FY2018 Executive Budget
A wave of concern and confusion was sent through the community-based aging services and older New Yorker community across the city as Mayor Bill de Blasio’s executive budget adds no new money to the Department for the Aging. This is on top of no new money in the preliminary budget