State Aging Hearing on COVID Impacts on Senior Services

State Aging Hearing on COVID Impacts on Senior Services

Among other challenges, the ability to remain fed, access to community-based supports, and an insufficient technology infrastructure were some of the primary issues facing older adults during the pandemic. Further, efforts to mitigate risk of exposure to COVID-19 had the unintended consequence of exacerbating issues of isolation across our state.

LiveOn NY Testifies on Home Care and Caregiving Strategy

LiveOn NY Testifies on Home Care and Caregiving Strategy

In many ways home care, along with the entire continuum of community-based services, are the critical bulwarks to ensuring individuals can age in communities, rather than in institutional settings, as research has shown to be preferred.

LiveOn NY Testifies on Community Care Plan

LiveOn NY Testifies on Community Care Plan

As the City works to build back a better future for New Yorkers as we all age, the stakes have rarely been higher to ensure older adults have the support they need to safely age in their communities.

LiveOn NY Testifies on NYC Emergency Meal Transition

LiveOn NY Testifies on NYC Emergency Meal Transition

Today, that very program, GetFood, which laudably worked to keep thousands of New Yorkers fed throughout the pandemic, is poised to come to a close with preparations underway for clients to transition to alternative or existing meal programs by October 15th. For the more than 16,000 older adults still receiving meals through GetFood as of August, the success of this transition will be critical to their ability to remain nourished.

Leading Aging Advocates Present Fresh Agenda for Making New York City a Better Place to Age 

Leading Aging Advocates Present Fresh Agenda for Making New York City a Better Place to Age 

LiveOn NY and Hunter College’s Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging is proud to release Aging is Everyone’s Business: Policies for Building a New York for All Ages, a comprehensive policy agenda that seeks to inspire the City’s incoming elected leaders to make New York a better, more equitable place to age.