Civic Engagement Resources

In 2024, LiveOn NY partnered with community-based organizations located in civic deserts — or geographic neighborhoods where voter turnout has been below the New York City average in recent elections — to ensure that the voices of older immigrants, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) older adults and other marginalized groups are centralized: voices that have been historically excluded.

By increasing civic learning and participation among older New Yorkers, LiveOn NY wants to include more diverse voices to advocate for community aging issues through voting, advocacy, and press to drive systemic change that will allow all of us to have what we need to age in our communities.


In partnership with the League of Women Voters of the City of New York, LiveOn NY led sessions at older adult centers across the city about what older New Yorkers need to know when voting in local and national elections. Click the links below for resources in multiple languages.

English | Spanish | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | Korean | Urdu | Bengali


In this second session, LiveOn NY started with a NYC Civics 101 — an overview of how City government operates — and then taught older adults how they can advocate through providing testimony at City Council hearings and building relationships with their local council members.

English | Spanish | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | Korean | Urdu | Hindi


In this final session, and in partnership with New Deal Strategies, LiveOn NY educated older adults about what to know when speaking to the press, including how to effectively tell their personal story and demystify how to speak with reporters on issues that matter to them.

English | Spanish | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | Korean | Urdu | Hindi

This project was generously funded by The New York Community Trust.