Action Alert: Reach out to State Legislators to Ask them to Help Prevent Cuts to Senior Centers

Action Alert


 14,000 Letters from 104 Senior Centers and Programs Sent to Governor Cuomo Opposing Cut that would Close Down 65 NYC Senior Centers 

We Need Your Help to Keep Fighting!

What is Happening:

  1. The Governor had until yesterday to remove the troubling Title XX language that would affect NYC senior centers in the state budget – but he did not remove it, leaving at least 65 centers at risk. 
    • The provision requires a set amount of federal Title XX funds to be used to support child care subsidy costs, instead of leaving the discretion to the counties on how to use the funding. Federal Title XX funds have been used to support senior centers in NYC for decades. NYC will lose $17 million in Title XX funds, forcing 65 senior centers to close in virtually every Assembly and Senate district.  This represents almost 30% of our Neighborhood Senior Centers.  6,000 seniors per day would lose their local senior center and lose access to vital nutrition, socialization and health promotion activities.  1.5 million meals per year will be lost.  There will be 24,000 of lost hours of case work assistance for benefits, housing and other needs. 
    • Seniors responded loudly. 14,000 letters from 104 centers and programs were sent to the Governor about this issue in just two weeks – an amazing job by all!
  2. In addition, the 2017-18 State Executive Budget contained $13 million in cuts and cost shifts to the State Department for the Aging.  
  3.  The budget now moves to the Assembly and Senate to work out the final details.  The final budget is typically passed in mid/late March.
  4.  State Assembly Members and Senators are home in their district offices the week of February 20. We need to ask them for their help.

What You Can Do: Week of February 20, 2017

  1. Invite your State Assembly Member and Senator to come to your program/center the week of February 20.  Call them at the district office to invite them.  When they come, talk about your program, the Title XX issue and the need for aging services in the final budget. Click here for LiveOn NY’s Budget Response.  Click here for the full state budget priorities agenda. Print out and give them a copy of the documents. Ask them for their help on these issues and thank them for their support.
  2. Ask seniors/staff to call their Assembly Member and Senator in the district office to ask for support in the budget for senior centers and programs.  The message is simple but important. Tell Them:
    • Don't let my senior center close.  Restore Title XX Funds. Thank you for your support of seniors.
  3. Arrange a meeting with your State Assembly Member and Senator to talk about your program and the need for funding.
  4. Keep Sending Letters to the Governor: If seniors at your program haven’t already sent letters – please do so now. We need thousands more to tell him to allow Title XX funds to be used for senior centers so they don't close.  Click here for instructions and the model letter which is in English, Chinese and Spanish.  Mail the letters directly to the Governor and let us know how many you sent (see instructions)
  5. Email Andrea at to let us know of the events you are holding, meetings you have and key relationships you have developed with legislators so we can continue to build a supportive network.  

How to Find your State Legislators

  • Click here to find your New York State Assembly Member
  • Click here to find your New York State Senator

Thank you for your support!

Contact Bobbie Sackman Contact Bobbie Sackman, Assoc. Executive Director of Public Policy at 212-398-6565x226 or Andrea Cianfrani, Dep. Director of Pub. Policy at 212-398-6565x233 or

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