News Coverage On Title XX Cuts to Senior Centers

Politico, Feb. 6 – Cuomo plan for federal funds could blow a hole in city’s budget for seniors

Governor Cuomo’s transfer of funds for federal Title XX funds eliminates language that allows $17 million to be used for senior centers. 65 senior centers would close leaving 6000 older New Yorkers a day without their local senior center.

By: Gloria Pazmino and Josefa Velasquez
Monday, 6 February 2017
Publication & Publisher: Politico New York

Politico, Feb. 7 – Chairs of Legislature’s Aging Committees push for senior services budget funds

Senate and Assembly aging chairs held the first ever joint press conference of the two chairs moving forward a bi-partisan effort to address waiting lists for senior services statewide and prevent cuts to NYC senior centers.

By: Nick Niedzwiadek
Tuesday, 7 February 2017
Publication & Publisher: Politico New York

WBNG, Feb. 7 - Legislature urged to address needs of NY's growing senior population

Hundreds of aging advocates from across New York were in Albany Tuesday to ask state leaders to "Step up for Seniors" by making the state's aging population a priority in this year's budget.

By: Nicky Hickling
Tuesday, 7 February 2017
Publication & Publisher: WBNG.COM


Politico, Feb. 8 – Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle showed concerned over Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s proposal to redirect funds from adult care to child care services

At a joint legislative budget hearing on human services, Sen. Cathy Young, the head of the finance committee in the Republican-led Senate, and Democratic Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo, told the acting commissioner of the Office of Children and Family Services that the cost shifting proposal could leave counties on the hook for funding adult care services if the governor’s proposal were enacted.

By: Josefa Velasquez
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
Publication & Publisher: Politico New York

HVNN, Feb. 8 -Senator Serino and Assemblywoman Lupardo Stand Up for Seniors

Senator Sue Serino of Hyde Park and Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo of Binghamton led a large group of senior citizen advocates and bi-partisan lawmakers on Wednesday in a call to legislative leaders to make New York’s senior a priority in the state budget.

By: Intern
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
Publication & Publisher:

Politico, Feb. 17 – Seniors brace for cuts after Cuomo declines to amend budget language

Thousands of senior citizens are facing the prospect of losing their senior centers after Gov. Andrew Cuomo failed to amend language in his $152.3 billion executive budget proposal, leaving in place a shift of funds that could result in the closing of facilities and a $17 million hole in the city’s budget.

By: Gloria Pazmino
Friday, 17 February 2017
Publication & Publisher: Politico New York

Kings County Politics, Feb. 17 – Brooklyn Lawmakers On The Move

Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams and Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer yesterday urged Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to reverse the more than $17 million in cuts and cost shifts outlined in his Fiscal Year 2017-2018 (FY17-18) Executive Budget proposal that would result in a loss of funding that supports more than one million seniors in the City.

By: Kings County Politics
Friday, 17 February 2017
Publication & Publisher: Kings County Politics

Public News Service, Feb. 20 - Cuomo Budget Cuts Senior Centers

Advocates for older New Yorkers are calling on state legislators to restore funds for New York City senior centers cut from Gov. Andrew Cuomo's proposed budget.  In his State of the State address, the governor announced he would make New York the first age-friendly state in the nation.  But his budget calls for cutting $17 million of federal funds for senior centers in the city, shifting the money to child care instead. 

By: Andrea Sears
Monday, 20 February 2017
Publication & Publisher: Public News Service

Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb. 22 – Squadron enlists seniors to fight Cuomo’s $17 million senior center budget cut

State Sen. Daniel Squadron kicked off a tour of Brooklyn senior centers on Tuesday to organize older adults to fight Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s budget cuts to the centers.

By: Mary Frost
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
Publication & Publisher: Brooklyn Daily Eagle

NY 1, Feb. 23 - Elected Officials, senior citizens in Bayside protest Governor Cuomo's budget

Bibi Vitberg said when she lost her job a few years ago, she felt empty.  But that all changed when she joined the Self Help Clearview Senior Center.  "I found a new home, I'm here almost every day, and I enjoy everything they do," said Vitberg. 

By: Shannan Ferry
Thursday, February 23 2017
Publication & Publisher: TWC News NY 1

Fox 5, Feb. 27 – Some NYC senior centers could close under budget plan

Many senior citizens in New York City have serious reason to be concerned. If there are no changes made to Gov. Andrew Cuomo's budget proposal, 65 senior centers in the city could be forced to close.

By: Melissa Etezadi
Monday, February 27 2017
Publication & Publisher: Fox 5

Queens Chronicle, Mar. 2 - Senior centers endangered by guv's proposal

Many are warning that senior centers will be devastated if Gov. Cuomo’s proposal to repurpose federal block grant monies used to fund them goes unchallenged. Sixty-five facilities are expected to close in New York City if the $17 million is redirected to child care programs, as the state’s top executive plans.

By: Ryan Brady
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Publication & Publisher: Queens Chronicle

City & State NY Slant, Mar. 6 -  Age-Friendly New York? Not with Cuomo's budget cuts


Just days after Gov. Andrew Cuomo made the declaration in his State of the State tour that New York would become the first age-friendly state in the nation, he presented a budget that blatantly ignores the needs of older New Yorkers.

By: Bobbie Sackman
Monday, March 6 2017
Publication & Publisher: City & State New York Slant

Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar. 7 - Bay Ridge polls urge Cuomo to restore funding for seniors

State Sen. Marty Golden says he will not vote for the state budget if it cuts funding to senior citizen programs. Assemblymember Nicole Malliotakis is also fighting to save the funding. Eagle file photo by Paula Katinas

By: Paula Katinas
Tuesday, March 7 2017
Publication & Publisher: Brooklyn Daily Eagle

Assemblyman Braunstein, Senator Stavisky, & Assemblywoman Rozic Join Seniors at SelfHelp to Protest Governor's Proposed Cuts to Senior Centers

Assemblyman Braunstein, Senator Stavisky, & Assemblywoman Rozic Join Seniors at SelfHelp to Protest Governor's Proposed Cuts to Senior Centers