Over 400 Seniors Converge on City Hall for Aging Budget Hearing in the Year of the Senior!

On March 13th, over 400 older New Yorkers from every corner of the city converged on City Hall to for a rally and the aging budget hearing. The message was clear and loud - "This is the Year of the Senior!" Seniors are the future of NYC, as they are the fastest growing part of the city's population.

LiveOn NY champions:

"Aging is an equality issue. Aging is a woman's issue. Aging is an immigrant issue. Aging is an affordable housing issue. Aging is a hunger and nutrition issue. Aging is building a peer community at senior centers and adult day programs. Aging is confronting elder abuse. Aging is receiving case management, home care and  meals-on-wheels in your home. Aging is supporting women caregivers - family, the community-based aging workforce, and home care workers. Aging is a time of great momentum as older New Yorkers anchor their families and communities. There is an ageist war on old women and men in Washington. It is up to New York City to act more responsibly than Washington and  fully fund the $60.6 million budget platform to provide a social safety net for older New Yorkers and family caregivers, one that is now thin."

In this Year of the Senior, it is time for City Council and Mayor de Blasio to stand up for older New Yorkers and the services that allow them to age with dignity in their home and community.

We look forward to LiveOn NY's 22nd Annual Senior Advocacy Day at City Hall on Wednesday May 3 when over 350 seniors will meet with their Council Members at 250 Broadway and hold a rally at City Hall.  Stay tuned for more details.

Working together, we can all make NYC a better place to age.

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