At LiveOn NY, we work hard to make sure that the public hears about the issues affecting older New Yorkers, as well as the incredible momentum that exists as we grow old. To this aim, we are proud of each and every time we are able to share this narrative with our local communities or to comment on a topic effecting older New Yorkers.
Below are a few articles & press releases related to our work:
June 20, 2019 “NYC’s Seniors Get Solid Wins in City’s Budget” article by Roshan Abraham in City Limits
June 12, 2019 “Finding Affordable Housing In NYC Is Hard, It’s Almost Impossible If You’re A Senior” article and video segments in CBS New York
“You shouldn’t ever have to choose between your job and caring for your loved ones”
June 6, 2019 "New Yorkers Are Living Longer Than Ever" article by Melanie Grayce West in the Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2019 “Seniors Rally at City Hall” article and video coverage by Jarrett Murphy in City Limits
April 24, 2019 “The Distressing Math of NYC’s Future Senior-Housing Need” article by Toni Kamins in City Limits
March 26, 2019 “Opinion: It’s Time to Make NY a #FairCity4AllAges” Op-Ed by Katelyn Andrews, Director of Public Policy at LiveOn NY, and Council Member Margaret Chin, Chair of the New York City Council Committee on Aging, in City Limits
February 13, 2019 “NY Program is Uneven in Supporting Those Caring for Aging Parents” article by Roshan Abraham in City Limits
We look forward to continuing to weigh in on aging issues throughout New York City, for upcoming press inquiries, please reach out to Katelyn Andrews at or 212-398-6565 x. 244