Move by Federal Administration effectively eliminates the only federal agency solely dedicated to supporting older adults and people with disabilities.
In a stunning and deeply alarming move, the federal administration has dissolved the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL)—the only federal agency solely dedicated to supporting older adults and people with disabilities. The ACL oversees critical programs like Meals on Wheels, caregiver support, senior centers, elder abuse prevention, and other lifelines that millions rely on every day.
Now, the Department of Health and Human Services is carving up these programs behind closed doors, offering little transparency and even fewer answers. This is not just bureaucratic reshuffling—it’s a direct attack on the safety and dignity of Americans as we age.
These moves are part of a continued assault on the 4.8 million older adults and 4.1 family caregivers in New York State — new red tape strangling Social Security, threats to emergency food assistance, ongoing efforts to undermine Medicaid, and, now, the dismantling of our nation’s aging support infrastructure altogether.
This isn’t policy. It’s abandonment. And hardworking New Yorkers and Americans who have paid into these systems for decades deserve far better than this.
“Eliminating the Administration for Community Living is not just reckless—it’s un-American. Gutting programs like Meals on Wheels and caregiver support abandons the very people who built this country and paid into these systems their entire lives. This isn’t just a policy shift; it’s a moral failure and blatantly un-American.”— Allison Nickerson, Executive Director, LiveOn NY
"Seniors are the fastest growing population in New York and in many parts of our country. The federal government should be doing one thing only—modernizing and expanding funding and programs under the Older Americans Act and the Administration for Community Living. A DOGE-style approach to our older Americans is not only unwise, irrational, and impractical, but an absolute insult to those who have long paid their dues to this nation. I suggest this plan be recalled like the 5.1 million Teslas recalled in 2024," said State Senator Cordell Cleare, Chair of the Aging Committee
State Assembly Member Rebecca A. Seawright, Chair of the Aging Committee said, “Older adults already face housing, food and healthcare insecurity. It is unconscionable that the Trump administration would move to dissolve the US Administration for Community Living (ACL). This is a desertion of 4.6 million New Yorkers and their access to vital services that keep them safe and aging with dignity. I will continue to marshal every resource to protect aging New Yorkers and the quality of life that they have earned.”
“Our nation’s older adult population is growing rapidly, but government at all levels has failed to plan for an aging population,” said New York City Council Member Crystal Hudson, Chair of the Aging Committee. “According to ACL, the number of older Americans has jumped 34 percent over the past decade compared to a 2 percent jump for those under 65. Despite this, the Trump administration is eliminating the only agency focused on supporting our nation’s nearly 58 million older adults. It’s clear this administration is focused on eliminating programs that support marginalized communities, and taking away benefits from those who have contributed so much to our country over their entire life. I will continue to stand with my colleagues in Albany and our nonprofit partners to fight any attempt to erode older adult services and collaborate to ensure every single older adult can age in place with dignity.”