
October 2024 Updates on Benefits Programs for Clients

October 2024 Updates on Benefits Programs for Clients

Updates to SNAP guidelines

Beginning October 1, more people will be eligible for SNAP.  Below are the monthly income and resource guidelines for households with one member who is 60+ or disabled, as well as the amount of the increased SNAP allotment:

LiveOn NY's End of Year Recap

LiveOn NY's End of Year Recap

As 2022 comes to a close, we reflect on all that we have accomplished to support older adults and professionals in New York. Nonetheless, we know this work wouldn’t be possible without our LiveOn NY network—our member organizations, government partners, stakeholders, advocates and older adults — that have shown up everyday to provide critical services and support to older New Yorkers. We thank each and everyone of you that showed up to ensure all older adults regardless of their background can age in community.

ALERT: Off the Fiscal Cliff Campaign

Seniors are overburdened in housing costs. Often paying more than 50% of their income on rent, whether they are enrolled in NY Rent Freeze (SCRIE/DRIE) or not. Because the Rent Freeze Program is one of the key tools to preserve affordable seniors housing AND allows older adults' to remain at home as they age - we must ensure that NYC improve its policies to help seniors off the fiscal cliff.