
Testimony: NYC Council Finance Committee Public Hearing

Testimony: NYC Council Finance Committee Public Hearing

The city’s budget reflects its priorities.  For New York City to truly be the fairest big city, fairness must extend across the lifespan. The Department for the Aging (DFTA) budget accounts for less than ½ of 1% of the total city budget despite the fact that older adults are the fastest growing demographic…

More Than 300 Seniors Came to City Hall for LiveOn NY's 23rd Annual Aging Advocacy Day

More Than 300 Seniors Came to City Hall for LiveOn NY's 23rd Annual Aging Advocacy Day

On the 23rd anniversary of LiveOn NY’s Aging Advocacy Day, 300 older adults from over 100 senior centers, NORCs and other programs converged on City Hall and met with 43 Councilmembers to talk about how senior services fuel their communities.  Older New Yorkers are the fastest growing population in the City. From 2000 to 2030 their numbers will double to 1.84 million, about one in five New Yorkers. Current resources do not allow senior services staff to connect with the broad array of needs of ever changing immigrant groups, diverse populations and caregivers…

LiveOn NY Featured in Huffpost Among Big Nonprofit Wins of 2017

LiveOn NY Featured in Huffpost Among Big Nonprofit Wins of 2017

Advocates were successful this year in getting the biggest budgetary win for senior services in 15 years: $22.8 million additional dollars in the FY18 budget. This funding will support senior centers, homecare services, case management, weekend meals, and caregiver services throughout the five boroughs. Trust grantee LiveOn NY and its members played a key role in securing this victory.

Read the Article Here

Testimony: NYS Assembly Committee on Housing Hearing on Affordable Housing

Testimony: NYS Assembly Committee on Housing Hearing on Affordable Housing

In 2016, LiveOn NY conducted a survey, entitled “Through the Roof” which found that an estimated 200,000 seniors are on wait lists for housing through the HUD202 program in New York City. The lack of affordable housing can have adverse effects on a senior’s health as it forces one to make the difficult choice between skipping meals, going without medications, or avoiding needed healthcare in order to afford rent.