Action Alert: Contact your Legislators to Push for Funding for Aging Services

Action Alert

March 20, 2017

What is Happening


  • Older New Yorkers and advocates have been calling, meeting and writing their legislators pushing for funding for aging services.  An astounding 17,100 letters from 135 centers were sent to the Governor opposing the Title XX cuts.  Seniors have been loud and clear and this has made a major difference – great work!
  • Last week, the Senate and Assembly each passed their own “One House” budget bills. These bills outline each chamber’s funding priorities for the state budget.  While the Senate and Assembly budget bills are not identical, there are encouraging signs that show the legislature’s commitment to increasing funding for aging services.  Highlights include:

o   Rejection of the Title XX cuts that would force the closure of 65 NYC senior centers;

o   Increased funding for Community Services for the Elderly (CSE), as well as restoring   the 25% local waiver language;

o   Funding restored for elder abuse services, transportation, direct care workers;

o   Funding added for COLA and NORCs.

  • The next step is for the Assembly and Senate to go into conference committee meetings together where they work out final details and come to an agreement on funding for the state budget.  The final budget will likely be passed by March 31.
  • During the conference committee meetings over the next week, Assembly Members and Senators physically stand up in their respective conference meetings for budget issues that they support and are a priority for them.  See more info below for how you can ask for their support during budget meetings.


  • On March 13th, over 400 older New Yorkers from every corner of the city converged on City Hall to for a rally and the aging budget hearing. The message was loud and clear - "This is the Year of the Senior!"   It was an amazing turnout and shows the power and dedication of older New Yorkers and the aging network.  Click here for pictures and more information.

What You Can Do


  • Continue to ask SENIORS to call their Assembly Member/Senator this week to ask for support in the budget for senior centers and programs. Call Albany or local office. The message is simple:

Don't let my senior center close. Restore Title XX funds. Fund services for seniors. Thank you for your support.

No dejes que mi centro de ancianos de cierre. Restaurar los fondos del Título XX. Financiar los servicios para las personas mayores. Gracias por su apoyo.

不要讓我的老人中心關閉.  重新恢復 XX預算.  編列對耆老們服務的預算. 感謝您的支持!

  • Ask your STAFF/BOARD OF DIRECTORS to call or email their Senator and Assembly Member with this message: “Please show your support for older New Yorkers and stand up for aging services funding during your conference meetings. This includes the increased funding for Community Services for the Elderly (CSE) funding for the 17,000 seniors on waiting lists for services statewide, elder abuse funding and restoration of the Title XX cut.  Thank you."


  • LiveOn NY will be launching a citywide letter writing campaign on the city budget in a few weeks – stay tuned for more details. 
  • Plan to attend Senior Advocacy Day on Wednesday May 3 at City Hall and 250 Broadway.  We will reach out to you soon with more details.



  • Click here to find your New York State Assembly Member
  • Click here to find your New York State Senator


For more information contact Bobbie Sackman, Associate Executive Director of Public Policy at 212-398-6565x226 or or Andrea Cianfrani, Director of Public Policy at 212-398-6565x233 or


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