LiveOn NY Applauds Legislature's Commitment to Increased Funding for Aging Services

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March 17, 2017                                                                       

Contact: Bobbie Sackman, Associate Executive Director of Public Policy

917-690-2805 or


LiveOn NY Applauds Legislature’s Commitment to Increased Funding

for Aging Services in Budget Proposals

LiveOn NY thanks Senator Sue Serino (R, C, I—Hyde Park), Chair of the Senate Committee on Aging and Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Binghamton), Chair of the Assembly Committee on Aging, for their leadership during the 2017-18 state budget process to prioritize vital resources to support older New Yorkers.

Older New Yorkers fuel the economy, create jobs, provide vital unpaid caregiving services and volunteer in their communities.  Currently, 20 percent (3.7 million) of NYS residents are 60 years of age or older for the first time in history, and due to longer life and the aging of the baby boom generation. With more people living longer than ever before, the State faces both a challenge and an opportunity. By 2025, 51 counties will have 25% or more of their population over the age of 60. New York State must have a comprehensive plan to address the millions of older New Yorkers now and the thousands that will turn age 60 over the next few years.  17,000 seniors statewide are already on waiting lists for community based services and this number will only continue to grow without adequate funding and a strong infrastructure.

The aging network is the safety net for New York’s Seniors.  By investing in aging services, New York can say Yes to older New Yorkers.

LiveOn NY looks forward to working with Senator Serino, Assemblywoman Lupardo, their Senate and Assembly colleagues along with Governor Cuomo on important issues affecting the aging network.