Testimony on Food Insecurity And Older Adult Centers

Testimony on Food Insecurity And Older Adult Centers

As we work to get older New Yorkers back out into the community, it’s clear Older Adult Centers are hubs for socialization, diverse programming, and other critical services. The City has the opportunity to create long term solutions and make meaningful investments to ensure all New Yorkers have access to equitable community-based services in their community.

Testimony on Home-Based Long-Term Care Services

Testimony on Home-Based Long-Term Care Services

While the older adult population continues to be the fastest growing demographic, making up nearly 16% of the State’s population, the programs that support older New Yorkers remain chronically underfunded. Representative of this underfunding, last year the overall state budget grew by 3.1% in the Executive Budget, while the NYSOFA budget lagged behind overall growth, at 1.8%, despite the population it serves making up a larger and larger share of the overall population.

Testimony on Increasing Affordable Housing for Older New Yorkers and Improving Accessibility in the City’s Housing Stock

Testimony on Increasing Affordable Housing for Older New Yorkers and Improving Accessibility in the City’s Housing Stock

It is critical we address this crisis, as New York is aging rapidly and research shows that the majority of older adults would prefer the opportunity age in their community, surrounded by the networks of support built over a lifetime. Moreover, we’re all aging, and we all have a stake in ensuring there are affordable options to call home throughout the lifecourse.

Testimony on Intro 175 of 2022

Testimony on Intro 175 of 2022

The lack of amendments to redress the serious jurisdictional mismatch between City legislation, Intro 175 of 2022 and existing State policies makes it impossible for LiveOn NY to continue to offer our support. Given this, LiveOn NY opposes Intro 175 of 2022, sponsored by Council Member Marte.

Testimony on Improving Older New Yorkers’ Access to City Services

Testimony on Improving Older New Yorkers’ Access to City Services

While the aging population continues to be the fastest growing demographic, with 1 in 5 New Yorkers expected to be 60 and older by 2040, the City must go further to ensure all older New Yorkers regardless of their background have access to equitable aging services to safely age in community.